HE Examination Timetable
Download our HE Examination Timetable
Before the examination begins you must place all personal belongings in the area indicated to you by the Invigilators including watches and mobile phones, which must be switched off.
You may only have on your desk the equipment required to complete the examination, which must be clearly visible to the invigilators. If you are using a pencil case or small bag, it must be made of clear plastic. No other containers are allowed.
You may have one drink on your desk which also must be in a clear bottle.
Have visible your student id card or alternative form of identification.
Check that the correct exam paper is in front of you.
If you need another answer book, raise your hand. You must make sure that any additional books used are clearly marked with your student number.
If you have a question regarding the accuracy of the exam paper please raise your hand.
Anyone suspected of cheating will be cautioned and will be asked to remain behind at the end of the examination whilst a report is completed.
You may not leave the room during the first 30 minutes or last 30 minutes of the exam unless the reason relates to visiting the toilet, illness or emergency.
If you wish to visit the toilet, raise your hand and you will be escorted by an invigilator.
You must not speak to, communicate with or disturb one another.
At the end of the examination - check you have filled in all the details on the front of your answer book and fasten any supplementary books securely to your main answer book.
Ensure you have sealed the fold-down flap on the right-hand side of your answer book.
Stay in your seat until you are instructed to leave the room.
Collect your belongings and please remain silent until you have left room/building.