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Certificate in Education (Education and Training)

About the course

The course is delivered at University Centre Myerscough and awarded by the University of Central Lancashire.

Teaching is a challenging but rewarding profession, one where you will use your enthusiasm and talents to really make a difference. Our programmes will equip you to educate and influence your learners and help them fulfil their potential.

On the part-time programme you will spend time each week in class working on the theoretical modules and classroom fundamentals. Your Tutors will model good teaching practice that you can use in your own teaching. Ideally your teaching placement/employment will be spread out over the year so you will spend time teaching each week. There is also a requirement for you to study in your own time each week, working on preparing for teaching, and completing module assignments and reading.

Course modules

Year 1

Teaching Learning and Assessment in the Further Education and Skills Sector

Developing Subject Specialist Practice

Designing and Developing an Inclusive Curriculum

Advancing Subject Specialist Practice

Research Informed Practice

Policy and Professionalism in the Further Education and Skills Sector

Entry requirements & additional information

Entry requirements

  • UK honours degree (normally 2:2 or above) or equivalent related to your specialist area (if undertaking the PGCE)
  • A minimum of a Level 3 qualification in all the specialist subjects¹ they will be teaching (if different to degree subject)
  • GCSE English at grade C/4 or above (or OfQual approved equivalent²)
  • GCSE mathematics at grade C/4 or above (or OfQual approved equivalent²)
  • Where English is not the applicant’s first language: The ability to communicate fluently, accurately and effectively in professional spoken English (IELTS 7.5 with no element lower than 7.0 (or equivalent) ³
  • A teaching contract or a voluntary placement across two institutions, that includes:
  • A minimum of 150 hours of teaching practice (including 20 hours online synchronous teaching)
  • A minimum of 100 hours of non-teaching practice
  • A named subject specialist mentor in the primary placement location
  • A named pastoral mentor in the primary placement location
  • Completion of a satisfactory course interview
  • Completion of a satisfactory subject interview
  • Provide confirmation of an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
  • Pre-service applicants wishing to teach in a school, or sixth form attached to a school will also be checked against the prohibition list??

Applicants wanting to teach English and applicants wanting to teach mathematics (without a mathematics ’A’ Level/degree) are required to successfully complete an additional entry assessment to demonstrate their content knowledge and skills.

This may impact on the acquisition of a suitable teaching practice placement and therefore additional time must be factored for this.

¹ Specialist subject: Where the subject is regarded as SEND, the applicant must have a L3 SEND qualification.

² Equivalent qualifications must be named by the Society for Education and Training as suitable for entry to QTLS (see Approved maths and English qualifications | Society for Education and Training ( )

³ IELTS certification date must be within two years of the point of application.

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities, and in particular those that are currently under-represented in our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses. We specifically encourage applications from ethnic minority groups at this time.


Before applying it is very important that you are clear about your future status, and the difference between QTS and QTLS. UCLan teacher education qualifications do not afford graduates with QTS status. The Cert Ed. or the PGCE will not confer Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), however, there are opportunities to work in secondary schools, including academies and free schools after completing this Cert Ed or PGCE, especially so if you complete professional formation and gain Qualified Teacher, Learning and Skills (QTLS) status. On achievement of the Cert Ed or PGCE awarded by UCLan, qualified teachers in the FE and Skills Sector will be eligible to apply for QTLS (Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills) status through the Society for Education and Training (SET). It is not normally possible to gain QTLS in less than 6 months from the end of the course, as applicants have to demonstrate their post-qualification development. Initially, you will pay a £50 application fee (non-refundable) to the SET and then, the Professional Formation programme, leading to QTLS, is priced at £475.

This qualification is suitable for those who are already teaching (in-service) as well as those who are new to teaching. Your partner college will assist you to find a placement, but this is not always guaranteed. You may need to take responsibility for finding a suitable placement for your teaching experience.

Learning and assessment

Your teaching placement is a central feature of the programme. Your placement will be for a minimum of 75 hours for each year of part-time programme.

Teaching practice is supported by the programme Tutors and by a Subject Specialist Mentor, both of whom will observe you teaching and work closely with you to develop your practice and skills.

Academic Expertise

The College has its own Teacher Education Tutors with a wide range of experience of teaching

These tutors are supported by the UCLan Teacher Education Team, who manage and develop the programmes and provide continuing professional development for Tutors.



Both programmes form part of a modular Education Studies framework at the University which presents a convenient opportunity for progression to further study.

BA (Honours) Education Studies.

Holders of the Certificate in Education receive advanced standing of 180 credits (50% of the award) for the BA (Honours) Education Studies.

Post Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice

The programme is available to teachers and trainers with a degree or equivalent who have completed the PGCE modules (60 credits at levels 6 and 7) with UCLan. It consists of 3 modules (60 credits) at level 7.

Master’s in Education (MEd)

Successful completion of the PG Diploma allows teachers to progress to the final dissertation stage of the Master’s in Education (MEd) programme.

Following the MEd, you may wish to progress still further and study on the taught Professional Doctorate, (the EdD) which is also available at the university in Preston.

Special requirements

Other costs

Through the Looking Glass: The Partnership produces an annual professional journal of trainees’ Action Research reports. This is a valuable opportunity for trainees to have their work published and copies cost approx. £10. It is also a useful learning resource for you when you carry out your own research.

DBS requirements: Your placement will require you to have an up to date DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate. The current cost of this is £44 for an enhanced check. If you are already employed as a teacher this should already have been completed by your employer.

Travel to and from your placement and observations of peers and other teachers is at your own cost.

Teaching materials: The provision of your own laptop/computer and stationery is essential for this course.

Are you interested in teaching?

Train to Teach in Further Education and Skills

An enormous number of teaching opportunities exist across the Further Education (FE) and Skills sector, in organisations including further education colleges, alternative provision (PRU), sixth forms, adult and community learning, the National Health Service, the prison service, the police force and in private sector training organisations.

UCLan programmes are designed for those wishing to pursue a teaching career in these organisations.

Our courses offer a sound introduction to teaching, giving you an integrated overview of the theory and practice of teaching.

The choice of 3 courses offers a starting point for everyone, whether you want to get into teaching or if you already work as a teacher but do not have a teaching qualification.

All course work is related to the actual teaching practice situation and aims to help you develop effective teaching strategies.

Your teaching placement (paid or voluntary) is a central feature of the introductory and intermediate programmes. The requirements for each programme are listed below as each programme varies.