HE Fees and Finance
One of the major areas of concern for all students and prospective students is how they will manage financially while attending College or University. At Myerscough we are very conscious of this and provide support for students as they negotiate their way through the financial maze of student funding. There are a number of ways that students can fund their course, from Government backed loans and grants, to support for the disabled and career development loans.
Full details of all higher education tuition fees, fee liability for withdrawal and interruption to study, and fee reductions can be found here:
For further enquiries email our Finance Team on salesledger@myerscough.ac.uk or telephone 01995 642138 / 642230.
- Download our Bursary Booklet
- Download our Myerscough College Provider Impact Report
- Higher Education Tuition Fee Table 2025/26
- Higher Education Bursary & Hardship Fund Policy and Procedure
- Higher Education Financial Support Package 2025-26
- Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2025-26
2024-25 Higher Education Tuition Fees
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - Taught (Full time UK students) £7,100/year
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - By research (Full time UK students) £5,000
- Honours Degrees (Full time UK students) £9250/year
- Foundation Degrees (Full time UK students) £9250/year
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning undergraduate awards - UK Students) £1,125/module
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning post-graduate awards - UK Students) £785/module
- Part Time Study (all taught on-line or blended learning undergraduate or post-graduate awards - EU and International Students) £1250/module
- Initial Teacher Training Courses (PTTLS, Cert Ed, PGCE) £975/module
- International & EU Students Full Time (See UCLAN website for details) Undergraduate £16,500/year
- International & EU Students Full Time (See UCLAN website for details) Postgraduate £16,900/year
- Sandwich / Placement Year £1,500
Further details of higher education tuition fees for 2024/25 can be found in our Higher Education Fee Table Please see the tuition fee policy for charges relating to APCL / APEL.
Welcome Package
At Myerscough College, new full time first year higher education students will be eligible to receive a welcome package as follows:
- Free full gym membership for the duration of the course, including all fitness classes (for full time students only)
- Free £50 book token (full time students only) or free golf course membership (full time golf students only)
- Progression award of £750 for students who progress directly from a Further Education course at Myerscough College to a full time Higher Education course. Students must progress directly without a break in study. The cash awards will be payable in 3 instalments:
- £250 to be paid at the end of term 1 subject to student attendance being over 90% (this will be deducted from the cost of accommodation for relevant students)
- £250 to be paid at the end of the 1st year, subject to the student passing all modules
- £250 when the student enrols for the start of year 2.
Payments due will be used to cover any outstanding balance on student accounts
The College may increase tuition fees annually by the inflationary amount and/or agreed amount set each year by the Government.
Continuing students – Higher Education Tuition Fees
Fees for continuing students are detailed in the Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy and the Higher Education Tuition Fee Table
Tuition Fee Loan
This can cover the full cost of your tuition fees and is paid directly to College. The amount is not income assessed, therefore, all students completing their first degree level course are eligible for the full amount. However, if you wish to pay a proportion of the tuition fees yourself you can take out a lower loan amount. Details regarding repayment of the loan are detailed below.
Maintenance Loan
This is to help towards living costs (accommodation, food, travel and course materials for example) whilst studying at College. You can receive up to £9,978 (living outside London) each year (dependent on household income), which is paid to you in 3 termly instalments. Details regarding repayment of the loan is detailed below.
Disabled Students’ Allowance is available for undergraduate students. The maximum grant available to those eligible differs between regions, but in England in 2023/24 is £26.291.
Pro-rata maintenance loans are also available to students studying an eligible part time course* from August 2018. Part-time students wishing to apply for any loan must be studying at least 25% intensity of a full time course to be eligible.
*Eligible courses include BSc (Hons), Professional Graduate Certificate in Education, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Level 7)
Postgraduate Students
Postgraduate Students can apply for a non-income assessed Postgraduate Loan of up to £12.167 to help towards course and living costs.
The amount awarded is for the duration of the course, whether this be over 1, 2 or more years. For example, if they apply for the maximum amount of Postgraduate Master's Loan and study over four years, they'll get £3.041 in each year of their course.
Payment will be made direct to students on a termly basis in a 33%, 33%, 34% split.
To apply for a Postgraduate Loan visit www.gov.uk/studentfinance. If you have applied for a student loan previously you can simply log in to your online account and apply. If not you will first need to register your details and set up an online account before applying. Please note that you only need to apply once for the loan and not each year of your course.
Details regarding repayment of the loan is details below.
Disabled Students’ Allowance is also available for postgraduate students. Successful applicants can get a single allowance of up to £26,291 a year. DSA's don't usually need to be paid back, unless the student leaves their course early.
Undergraduate students must repay their tuition and maintenance loan, but only when earning above the repayment threshold. Interest will be charged from the day the first payment is made. The interest rate is based on the UK Retail Price Index (RPI) and will vary depending on individual circumstances. You enter the repayment period the April after you finish or leave your course. How much you repay each month depends on your income, not how much you borrowed.
You’ll repay 9% of your income over the repayment threshold, which is currently £27.295 a year, £2,274 a month or £524 a week. (Plan 2)
For details on repayments if you become self-employed please visit the Student Finance England website.
A Postgraduate Master's Loan has to be repaid and interest will be charged from the day the first payment is made to the student. Interest will be charged at the Retail Price Index (RPI) plus 3%. RPI is a measure of UK inflation and measures changes to the cost of living in the UK.
You’ll be due to start making repayments the April after you finish or leave your course.
Further information is available on the Student Finance England website.
*Information is based on the 2023/24 academic year. Loans, grants, and repayments are subject to change in line with SLC criteria. Please visit the Student Finance England website for your region for the most up to date information.
2021-22 Higher Education Tuition Fees
(New students 2021/22 entry)
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - Taught (Full time UK students) £7,100/year
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - By research (Full time UK students) £4,550
- Honours Degrees (Full time UK students) £9250/year
- Foundation Degrees (Full time UK students) £9250/year
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning undergraduate awards - UK Students) £1,125/module
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning post-graduate awards - UK Students) £785/module
- Part Time Study (all taught on-line or blended learning undergraduate or post-graduate awards - EU and International Students) £1250/module
- Initial Teacher Training Courses (PTTLS, Cert Ed, PGCE) £975/module
- International & EU Students Full Time (See UCLAN website for details) Undergraduate £13000/year
International & EU Students Full Time (See UCLAN website for details) Postgraduate £13500 (subject to confirmation)
- Sandwich / Placement Year £1500*
* Subject to confirmation
Further details of higher education tuition fees for 2021/22 can be found in our Higher Education Fee Table 2021/22. Please see the tuition fee policy for charges relating to APCL / APEL.
2020-21 Higher Education Tuition Fees
(New students 2020/21 entry)
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - Taught (Full time UK and EU Students) £6700/year
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - By research (Full time UK and EU Students) £4,300
- Honours Degrees (Full time UK and EU Students) £9250/year
- Foundation Degrees (Full time UK and EU Students) £9250/year
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning undergraduate awards - UK Students) £1,125/module
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning post-graduate awards - UK Students) £975/module
- Part Time Study (all taught on-line or blended learning undergraduate or post-graduate awards - EU and International 'non EU' Students) £1250/module
- Initial Teacher Training Courses (PTTLS, Cert Ed, PGCE) £975/module
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - By research (Part time UK and EU Students) £2,160
- International Students Full Time (Non EU) (See UCLAN website for details) £9500 - £12500/year*
- Sandwich / Placement Year £1500*
* Subject to confirmation
Further details of higher education tuition fees for 2020/21 can be found in our Higher Education Fee Table 2020/21
2019-20 Higher Education Tuition Fees
(New students 2019/20 entry)
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - Taught (Full time UK and EU Students) £6700/year*
- Postgraduate Masters Degrees - By research (Full time UK and EU Students) Awaiting Confirmation
- Honours Degrees (Full time UK and EU Students) £9250/year
- Foundation Degrees (Full time UK and EU Students) £9250/year
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning undergraduate awards - UK Students) £975/module
- Part Time Study (all taught 'on campus', on-line or blended learning post-graduate awards - UK Students) £695/module*
- Part Time Study (all taught on-line or blended learning undergraduate or post-graduate awards - EU and International 'non EU' Students) £1200/module*
- Initial Teacher Training Courses (PTTLS, Cert Ed, PGCE) £695/module*
- International Students Full Time (Non EU) (See UCLAN website for details) £9500 - £12500/year*
- Sandwich / Placement Year £1500*
* Subject to confirmation
Further details of higher education tuition fees for 2019/20 can be found in our Higher Education Fee Table 2019/20
Bursaries and Grants
Myerscough College Scholarships
Myerscough applicants who demonstrate or promote excellence in their subject may be eligible for financial support from one of the College scholarships. The scholarships are open to students applying to study on any Myerscough full time foundation degree or honours degree programme.
Successful applicants will receive a £1000 cash payment to support their study at Myerscough.
In return, students in receipt of a scholarship will be expected to act as a Student Ambassador for their subject and the College by representing the College in their chosen subject, helping at College recruitment activities such as Course Advice events and Applicant Days or promoting access and support for under-represented groups where the opportunity arises.
20 scholarships are available for first year students in the following subject areas:
- Applicants from targeted under-represented groups (white males from disadvantaged areas, BME groups and students with a learning difficulty or disability)
- Applicants who promote excellence in Agriculture and Horticulture (to support development of the talent pool in our most traditional land-based subjects)
- Applicants who promote excellence in STEM subjects (animal or plant sciences, agricultural engineering or motorsports engineering)
- Applicants who promote excellence in Sport (this may be sports, golf, equine or motorsports)
- Applicants who promote excellence in Creative Design (specifically Floral Design).
Applications for scholarships can be made using this Scholarship Application Form.
Payment will be made in 2 instalments (before Christmas and at the end of successful completion of the first year) ensuring the student has not withdrawn or been suspended from study and has over 90% attendance, passed all modules sat at June assessment boards AND have supported Myerscough College & University Centre in their role as a Student Ambassador on at least one or more occasions in every term. Instalments will be used to clear any outstanding fees on account.
Access our Bursary Portal here.
We want to ensure that all students have the opportunity to study for a degree qualification, regardless of background or financial circumstances. The College is committed to providing support to students from lower income households.
A limited number of Myerscough College Bursaries are available, to provide discretionary financial assistance for students to access and remain in Higher Education, particularly those students who need financial help to meet extra costs that cannot be met from other sources of support. Priority groups include students with children, lone parents, mature students with existing financial commitments, students from low income backgrounds and students in unexpected hardship. Funds are limited and therefore initial allocations will be a maximum of £1000 (pro-rata for part-time students.) This will be reviewed later in the academic year, subject to take-up and availability of funds.
Higher Education Bursary Policy
Students may apply for more than one bursary award, but only one bursary will be awarded (usually the highest value for which the student is eligible).
Bursaries do not have to be repaid.
Higher Education Hardship Fund
Myerscough students who are experiencing financial hardship may be eligible for support from the Higher Education Hardship Fund. The Hardship Fund is open to full time students and part time students studying on campus an undergraduate qualification. UK residents studying an online undergraduate qualification may also be eligible to apply.
This fund also supports IT course related costs.
Students will be asked to provide evidence of financial hardship through the application. For further information on this fund please speak to our Student Finance Advisor by emailing studentfinance@myerscough.ac.uk or phone 01995 642398
Republic of Ireland Bursary
£1000 Bursary is available for full time students from the Republic of Ireland to support tuition fees or residential fees for the first year of their course. The bursary will be discounted from tuition fees or Myerscough residential fees, pro-rata over each term.
Low household income bursary
All full time higher education students from low-income households (<£25K household income) may apply for a bursary for each year of their course of up to £1000.
Carers bursary
All full time higher education students who have full time care responsibilities may apply for a £1000 bursary for each year of their course.
Care leavers bursary
All full time higher education students who have been in local authority care for 13 weeks or more, may apply for a £1,000 bursary for each year of their course.
Local region bursary
All new full time higher education students whose home address is within Lancashire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester or Merseyside may apply for a £1000 bursary for the first year of their course.
Charitable Bequests
You may be able to get financial help from charities or other bodies who have allocated funds to help particular students or courses. A directory of grant making trusts can normally be found in your local library.
Some major companies, as well as offering sponsorship to students, also provide employment during vacations and after graduation.
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
This grant provides extra financial help if you have a disability, mental health condition or a specific learning difficulty like dyslexia. It is paid on top of the standard student finance package and is not dependent on income, nor does it have to be repaid.
Childcare Grant
The Childcare Grant helps full-time students with the cost of childcare during term times and holidays. The amount you receive will be dependent upon your household income and is based on 85% of your actual childcare costs. The maximum available is £183.75 per week if you have one child and £315.03 per week if you have two or more children.
Parents' Learning Allowance
This can help pay for course-related costs such as books, materials and travel if you have dependent children. The amount you receive will be dependent upon your household income. The maximum available is currently £1,863 a year.
Adult Dependants’ Grant
Under the current funding guidelines, students with a husband, wife, partner or another adult family member who is financially dependent on them may be eligible for a non-repayable grant of up to £3,263 a year (dependent upon household income).
Further information can be found at https://www.gov.uk/student-finance
Transparency Information
To view the full dataset download our Transparency Information
The information published in our Transparency Workbook shows the number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.
It shows these numbers by reference to:
- the gender of individuals to which they relate
- their ethnicity
- their socio-economic background
Access & Participation Plan
Access and Participation: Myerscough College and University Centre is committed to being an open and accessible institution for people from all backgrounds. We are genuine in our efforts to promote social mobility and providing equality of opportunity.
University Centre Myerscough (UCM) is specialist College Based Higher Education (CBHE) provider, set on an award winning 900-acre campus in rural Lancashire. UCM is the natural choice for students studying land-based, science, engineering and sport qualifications. We are committed to offering specialised degrees focussed on high academic and student experiences, equipping confident graduates for lifelong achievement in the global industries.
As part of our commitment to ensuring all students have the opportunity to study for a degree qualification, regardless of background or financial circumstances, we ensure that robust and transparent information is available to prospective and current students, and monitor access and participation data against key characteristics to enable us to address any potential risks to equality of opportunity.
Our access and participation plan outlines our whole provider approach to supporting access and participation. Here is our full Access and Participation Plan and our summarised Access Plan for 2024-25 to 2027-28
For more details of how we promote and support access, here are our most recent Access and Participation plans:
Here is a summary of the Access and Participation plan