Under the current Articles of Government the Corporation is responsible for:
- the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and for the oversight of its activities;
- approving the quality strategy of the institution;
- the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and the Corporation and for safeguarding their assets;
- approving annual estimates of income and expenditure;
- the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the Clerk, including, where the Clerk is, or is to be appointed as, a member of staff, the Clerk’s appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of pay in the capacity as a member of staff; and
- setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.
The following links provide further information regarding the current structure of the Corporation and its committees. Some of the links open Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
College Documents, Policies and Procedures
Further Education
Further Education Bursary Policy
Higher Education
Higher Education Student Transfers
Higher Education Financial Support Package 2025-26
Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2025-26
Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2023-24
Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2021-2022
Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2020-2021
Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2019-2020
Higher Education Tuition Fees Policy 2018 2019
Higher Education Tuition Fee Table 2018/19
Higher Education Tuition Fee Table 2019/20
Higher Education Tuition Fee Table 2020/21
Higher Education Tuition Fee Table 2021/22
Higher Education Tuition Fee Table 2025/26
Higher Education Bursary & Hardship Fund Policy and Procedure
Higher Education Course Changes and Closures Policy and Procedure
Higher Education Student Handbook
Residency and Safeguarding Documents
Residency Statement of Principles and Practice
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
Personal Care Policy and Procedure
Staying Safe Online And Use Of Mobile Technology Policy And Procedure
General College Policies and Procedures
Academic Misconduct Policy And Procedure
Alcohol, Drugs and Other Intoxicating Substances Policy and Procedure
Anti Bullying (Students) Policy And Procedure
Appealing Against Assessment Decisions Policy and Procedure
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Data Protection Policy and Procedure
Data Subject Access Request Procedure
Examination Access Arrangements Policy And Procedure
Extenuating Circumstances for Higher and Further Education Students
Health and Safety Policy and Procedure
Freedom of Speech Code of Practice
Inclusive Learning Policy and Procedure
Management and Monitoring of Student Absence
Management of Visitors Policy and Procedure
Student Behaviour Policy And Procedure
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure
Student Acceptable Use Of IT Resources Policy And Procedure
Student Admissions Policy and Procedure
Student Support and Welfare Policy and Procedure
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedure
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure
Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
Withdrawal, Break in Learning and Transfer of FE, Apprentices and HE Students Policy and Procedure
Policies and Procedures regarding Careers Advice for Students
On Programme Careers Support Information
Sub-Contractor Supply Chain Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure
Access to Information
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 gives a general right of access to recorded information held by public authorities; sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities.
Myerscough College has adopted the new Model Publication Scheme for Colleges of Further Education effective from 1st January 2009 as approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Our information is regularly updated - if you have any queries, please contact the Data Protection Officer. If you require any of our documents or policies in larger print then please call 01995 642222 or email our Enquiries Team.