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Veterinary Nursing – excellence in practice with superb career prospects for half a century

Thursday 27 February

Myerscough’s brand new Veterinary Nursing fully accredited degree programme will ensure students are truly industry ready when they graduate.


We’ve worked closely with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) to develop a sector leading programme, available to apply for now with a start in September 2025.

Our brand-new RCVS accredited Veterinary Nursing degree has been designed with direct input from students and industry professionals to ensure you graduate fully prepared for the veterinary world.

VNs work alongside surgeons and provide a high standard of care and treatment for ill animals as well as undertaking minor surgery, monitoring animals during anaesthesia, providing medical treatments and carrying out diagnostic tests.

Myerscough School of Veterinary Nursing has been an established provider of education and training for veterinary nurses for half a century, and was first granted approval from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1975. In this time Myerscough has successfully taught many small animal and equine student nurses from all parts of Britain and Europe.

Highlights of this exciting programme, which can be found in much more detail here, include:

This exciting industry-ready curriculum will teach you the fundamental skills to thrive as a veterinary nurse, under the guidance of experienced teaching professionals, learning in a cutting-edge environment at a dedicated, purpose built centre at Myerscough’s main Preston campus.

The curriculum is designed and structured based on industry and student feedback. This means the modules are more effectively structured to ensure students are ready for practice when they go into their placements.

Practical assessments are woven into the curriculum from year 1 to prepare students for OSCEs (Observed Structured Clinical Examinations) as end point assessments.

Anatomy and physiology are now woven throughout the curriculum to help students embed the theory. For example, we will teach the skeletal and musculoskeletal system when students learn about positioning for x-rays and the required anatomical landmarks.

We have a standalone module called interprofessional skills at level 4, which is filled with those necessary skills for students to thrive in the veterinary industry, such as resilience, mental health first aid, mindfulness techniques, communication and incivility.

Innovative and aligned assessments will prepare students for the industry, role plays for communication, practical tasks for handling, and care plans for evidence-based nursing.

In receiving our accreditation from the RCVS for the programme, a number of commendations were noted, including:

  • The clear inclusion of the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct throughout the proposed programme. All students have a very clear understanding of the Code of Professional Conduct and how it related to everyday practice.
  • The clear investment in facilities available to all students, including the new facilities at University of Central Lancashire. There is clear consideration of students’ needs and the planned growth of the programme.
  • The excellent level of support offered to students. Students have clear opportunities for offering feedback, and it was clear to the panel that this feedback was taken on board, with changes being implemented where possible.
  • A very cohesive and supportive team that have passion and vision for the future of the provision. The support and understanding of the programme from senior management, including the Principals at both University Centre Myerscough and UCLan, shows the continued dedication to this programme.
  • Continued efforts throughout the process of course design and assessment strategy to gain stakeholder feedback from across the industry, including students. This has formed the evidence base that has been instrumental in impacting course design and pedagogy.
  • The continued support of students during industry placement; there are clear provisions in place to provide guidance and prepare students for graduation.

Join us and take the first step towards a rewarding career in veterinary nursing!

Visit us on a Course Advice Morning or UCAS event, or email Louise Sutherland - Curriculum Area Manager Veterinary Nursing, on for more info.