Myerscough leads the way in research in the land-based and sport sectors
- Published
- Friday 26 Nov 2021
University Centre Myerscough degree students have showcased the research being carried out within their sectors, as part of a two day on campus and online event.

Students have displayed their work and been sharing ideas across a range of Myerscough subject areas including Agriculture & Countryside, Animal, Arboriculture, Equine, Floristry, Horticulture, Motorsport & Agricultural Engineering, and Sport.
Students used the event to present some of their latest research and findings, and discuss the major issues of their subject areas during breakout sessions. In addition, the day was an opportunity for poster presentations to be assessed as part of their higher education programmes, and to network and share ideas for past, current and future projects.
The on-campus event led by Dr. John Fry, lecturer and research lead, invited high-profile guests from across the golf industry and it was a fantastic opportunity to bring industry experts, lecturers and higher education students together to discuss, debate and challenge ingrained practices in sport.
You can read more about this here
The online part of the conference included discussions on a range of research titles, including ‘validating automated technologies in animal health and welfare’, ‘the impact of bridles on horses, from Lancashire Constabulary mounted branch’, and ‘assessing and managing bark junctions in trees.’
Zulakha Desai, Assistant Principal for Higher Education, said: ‘’Research is the bedrock of the Higher Education provision at Myerscough College and University Centre and the research leads arranged a two day on campus and online research event.
‘’Sports students took the opportunity to present their research posters during the event. Critical discussions formed part of the presentation as student supported their research question, methodology and intended outcomes. Their presentations highlighted the mass of potential in all the research strands and their contribution to the research in sport.
‘’The online event led by research lead, Lou Bell, Dr. Andy Hirons and the afternoon industry project presentations by lecturer, Simon Moss.
‘’It was a fantastic day to share across all curriculum areas the research that is being led by our lecturers who are working in collaboration nationally and internationally with public and private sector organisation.
''Students from across the curriculum areas presented their research with a great deal of professionalism, they were challenged by our lecturers to support and justify their research, all of which will develop them in good stead as they continue their higher education journey with Myerscough College and University Centre.’’
Lou Bell, Senior Lecturer Animal Studies & Research Lead Welfare of Managed Animals, said: ‘’Our annual conferences provide a platform for both staff and students to share their applied research to delegates from within Myerscough.
‘’This year's conference for the Welfare of Managed Animals and Greenspace and Creative Design teams were well attended by current staff and students with graduates also attending to present their work. Our conferences allow many to engage in current and past research projects and showcase some of the very best at Myerscough.
Andrew Hirons, Senior Lecturer in Arboriculture, added: “Our annual research conference is a fantastic opportunity to share the latest findings from a wide range of projects that seek to enhance the way we understand, interact with and manage our treescapes.
‘’It is a great privilege to be involved with a department that is helping to lead innovation and embed research into the curriculum. Such activities are also critical to ensuring that our students remain enthused and engaged throughout their time studying with us.”
Myerscough is a leading UK college for applied research in a number of the areas, in addition to being one of the largest providers of these specialist subjects in the country, and research plays a key role in this.
Ultimately, this research enhances the content of Myerscough’s degree provision. In addition, research-active staff strengthen their links with allied industries and generate greater experience in the research process; which in turn improves the teaching and learning, either using research as content or teaching the research process itself.